Thursday, September 16, 2010


It was a pretty big day around here. Holland had her very first day of pre-school. She has been terribly excited about this for months now. We were able to make it to some Summer playdates with other children from her school as well as meeting her teacher a handful of times and could not wait until the real thing.

She went to bed excited last night and woke up eager to begin her school day this morning. Right before we got out of the car she did say, "I think I might be a little scared." But she walked in looking proud and happy. She was a tad shy (as expected...) in the beginning but after about 10 minutes of settling in she gave me a big hug and didn't even look back to watch me leave. It felt weird!

And of course, it went totally fine! I wasn't the least bit concerned. I think she is really going to love going to "school" twice a week. I am really looking forward to helping out in the class for the first time in two weeks. It will be so entertaining to watch these little children's interactions.

And onto the 2nd first of the day: While Holland was in pre-school, I took Talin to a little one's story/song time at the library. It felt so strange but fun to just have Talin with me and doing something aimed (somewhat) at his age group. I also look forward to just coming home with him some days and playing, just the two of us. Or letting him take a nap while I read! Ah, that sounds heavenly!!

And the 3rd first of the day: Talin actually fell asleep completely on his own from playing in the playpen. He was tired, but I had just tried nursing and putting him down for a nap to no avail. So, I placed him in the playpen so I could get lunch made and he didn't seem to mind one bit. He played with his toys for maybe 2 minutes, laid his head down and fell asleep! Sounds so simple and ordinary, but this is so not ordinary in our household. And he even slept for over an hour despite the noise from his screaming older sister and the crazy, barking dog. Maybe he will start to do this more frequently. It sure would make it easy for me!!

And, before it leaves my memory forever, I need to write down something Holland told me the other night. I went to book club and came home around 9:30 and of course Holland had insisted on waiting up for me so that I could read her bedtime story. And she was (as she often is lately) just insanely sweet and loving. My favorite quote of hers she told me that night:" Mom, I love you forever and ever and I will never change my mind and unlove you. " So, since she has said that, we have told each other this to each other multiple times. She is a special girl.

Monday, September 6, 2010

a little stunt man and a growing girl

What a busy week or so! I feel like I really do not every have time to do anything right now as Talin is fast as lighning and into EVERYTHING! I know it has been 3 years since we were at this stage with Holland, but I swear he is just SO much more active! He can now stand up in the middle of the floor; and does every opportunity he gets. And now he has raised the bar and stands on anything he thinks will be a little challenge: the bed, the couch, a box, a chair, etc, etc. And he climbs! He likes to pull himself onto a basket that is on a rack we have and then just hangs. He can't figure out how to get down so he just screams. Comical, but scary. No steps yet, but I don't imagine it is too far away.

Holland starts preschool next week! Just twice a week for two hours at a time. But, I think she is really going to have a blast. I will be helping out a few times a month also and am really looking forward to watching her interact. She is really such a smart girl. I really have been pretty bad on working with her on little things. We talk about everything that goes on, but no pressure. (and she's still THREE! So, not a concern of mine...) We had talked about the sounds that letters make quite awhile back and then I just haven't... But, today in a 5 minute car ride she got down pat letters "H" "S" and "T". So, just after those few minutes I could say a word "horse, store, sunshine, toes" And she would know which letter it starts with. And even added some more words of her own. I was impressed. I suppose some children are reading at this age, and I totally believe she could be if we had pressed the issue. But, I am happy at her/our pace.

One of my favorite things that Holland says right now is "DAISY LIONS!" She calls dadelions daisy lions and always says it with so much gusto. She does know it is not the "correct" word, but just likes it; I do, too. And she has to run over and grab it when she sees one and blow it all over. I love watching her excitement. It's those little moments that make the crazy hectic life we live all worthwhile.