Monday, December 27, 2010

And with a snap, the holiday season has passed!

Today we took down our Christmas tree. And it's so weird to think that a month ago I posted on here and Christmas seemed so far away. But that is the way life goes. And it made me think of all the things that I so hope to have changed by next year. Oh, to give my children a real home of their own! And to think of my two as being 5 and 2 years old! Crazy.

But, back to the now. The entire Christmas Season was really nice. Holland got totally into everything and is just at a very excitable age. Christmas morning was especially sweet. Holland woke up and the first thing she said was, "I need to go see if Santa left Talin a present, because he's a kid, too!" And for about 30 minutes she got totally thrilled with everything she saw. And then my sweet boy came toddling into the room in his Christmas pj's with a big surprised smile on his face. And he loved it all. And it was fun having my parents here so they could see their grandchildren on Christmas morning.

And now, in a flash, it's all over. And in a mere 5 days it will be a new year! And quite honestly, I wouldn't mind flash forwarding to it, or 'er the 4th... I think that both Holland and I are eagerly waiting the holiday break for preschool ending. I think that all of this idle time is making her (and me!) go crazy! I am not at all prepared to deal with a grumpy, demanding kid. I cherish the sweet "You're my best friend, mom" and "You're the best mom in the world" and "I love my baby brother!!" so much, but I just wish they were the norm like they used to be. But this too shall pass, right?!