Friday, April 1, 2011

Ah, the changes in a month!

It has been a month of living in our new house. A month of walking around feeling like I am in a dream. A month of making dinners in my kitchen feeling amazed at the vast amount of storage and counter space. A month of my children happily riding their scooter and bike back and forth, back and forth. A month of listening to happy laughter (for the most part) from my two as they run and play outside. It has been a good month.

Sure there are still difficulties, but man, is it nice to have our place- and SPACE! And light! I really was just craving natural light. And this house is great. It may be small (1250 sq), but it honestly is the nicest home I have lived in my adult life. And it is so perfect for our little family.

And, we have now had our restaurant up and open for 2 weeks now! It makes life different for certain, and I am trying to have my hand in that while still being the main caregiver to my active littles, but it is good to be going.

Today was/is April Fool's Day. I explained to Holland what the "holiday" is all about and man did that girl have fun with it! Every 2 min- "mom!- I just saw a giraffe outside!- APRIL FOOLS!" It was fun. And then we tried to play a trick on Joe after he came home saying I went out running (in the pouring rain!) and left her and Talin by themselves while I hid in her room. She played off the prank so well!

Talin is changing crazy fast lately. Seemingly overnight, he is communicating so much! His vocabulary now consists of: bye or buh-bye, go, ball, hi, hello, nigh-night, uh-ohhh, mama, dada, sshh, yeah, and....? I feel like I am forgetting something! His non-verbals- he totally gets the whole head shaking "no" thing and has no problem using that. (ie- Talin- do you want a bite?" big head shake!- the kid almost never eats. And then about every 3rd day, he eats!!) And his new favorite trick is showing where his belly button is. And he can now show where his toes are also. He is so full of expressions and crazy adorable.

Oh, so much more to say. No more waiting a month to share, you hear!