Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Forgotton words and videos

I have no bit of my brain left in me at this point in the night... But, I have been thinking about a few words I forgot to mention in my last post that Talin is currently saying and I know in a year, or two or 4 I will want to read back on this. (and this mama doesn't write anything down on paper anymore; oh no!) Drumroll please....:

hot (and he says it so cute always using his hand to show that he feels something hot, or pretends to...)
cheese (see video below!)
poo poo (and he will point at his bum when he says this.)

Maybe I will try to remember to update on here as I recall the other new words.

I am also going to attach a video of Holland the other evening. She had made an awesome song, "Roar goes the Lion" that had quite a few verses, but pretty much just said that over and over once I got out the camera. Oh well; still cute...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Busy days!

How can the month of May almost be over? How?! Time is going by much too quickly for my liking. Everyday seems to jam-packed with places to go, people to see... Holland is busy taking both ballet and swim lessons and her preschool ended last week. And, we often have playdates and I have been working at the restaurant some. I often feel like I am constantly rushing and hurrying my littles off to some other destination. So, the times that we can just stay and be are actually rather nice! I am feeling guilty because both today and last Wednesday we skipped swim lessons simply because Talin was still napping and I did not have the energy to rush off again. Ah well...

Lately everytime I look at Talin I am convinced he has grown even more. He is figuring things out so well and is a very silly guy. He found a pair of little sandles he had outgrown and insisted that they belonged on the counter in the kitchen in front of the sink today. If I tried to move them, he threw a little fit. Sit them back, he was completely pleased. He also has quite the hankering for throwing things away, or putting things in either the bathtub or toilet. It is pretty handy when he finds a small piece of paper and throws it away. Not so much for the wii remote that is now forever gone.

Holland's first little ballet performance is coming up in a few weeks. It is a little insane how her approx 3 min onstage is causing so much time and energy! She will be a catfish in "The Little Mermaid". She loves ballet and takes her dancing very seriously. It will be fun to watch the entire production but I won't lie; I will be happy to have the stress over.

I was trying to think of Talin's current vocab. Here is what I can think off the top my head:
go, bye, mama, dad, uh-oh, bubble, more, ball, snack, whee, hi, hello, nigh-night, peek a boo, book

I know he is saying a lot more that I am not paying enough attention to and not able to discern what it is... But, I know that he is definitely trying to communicate much more than we are aware. Up until about 2 weeks ago, he had the ability to say words but just showed no desire to talk much. It is so exciting watching him mimic us and repeat whatever we say. His snoring is totally adorable!