Monday, November 29, 2010

one day at a time

So, quite honestly, I haven't exactly been feeling entirely blissful lately. I am just stressed out about so much. Wondering if we will ever to provide our own home for our growing children and if we will ever get a business up and running. And that with feeling that we are bursting from the seams where we are (while we are totally thankful to have this opportunity...)it is all just wearing me a little thin. Add in a dog seemingly barks all day long and you get a completely frazzled mama that sometimes doesn't appreciate every sweet moment.

But on the happy news- I have a ONE year old now! Okay, maybe that isn't entirely happy as it does make my heart sad! How did he grow up so fast? Talin has totally changed our lives and I love him so much. He is not just walking, but practically running everywhere. He has such a silly personality and cracks me up. And oh how he loves his mama. All day long he runs into my leg and gives me the most perfect baby bear hug. Perfect in every way. So maybe he does throw almost all food offered to him without even trying it. And he hardly sleeps through the night (but as mentioned before- it's not like I have anywhere to put him!) and he is notorious for pulling his sister's hair and climbing in precocious places... I love this boy so much.

Talin is currently showing little interest in actual talking, but gets by just fine by mainly pointing at whatever he wants and just says "GAH". And it works. He will say "mama" and "dada" and lately we rarely even get a "hi" or "bye". But it'll all come in its sweet time. I'm not the least bit concerned. I love how he mimics Holland so much. And I love how excited Holland gets about trying to teach him new things. They can sometimes play for the longest time together. If they are both in the mood, they can play for hours! No tears being shed, just lots and lots of giggles. And that makes for a happy mama!

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