Saturday, August 13, 2011

Disappearing Summer

It is just unfathomable to me that it is somehow already the middle of August. We have had very few Summer feeling days despite the rest of the country dealing with record breaking temps. Maybe we can hold out for at least weeks. One can hope!!

I feel like I never have time to just sit down and release everything in my head. I'm still adjusting to having Joe's schedule change. Since the restaurant is now serving dinner, he leaves around 8am every day, getting home at 8 or later. Makes for a long day for this mama!

And everyday most definitely has its share of ups and downs. So often Holland and Talin are the happiest siblings. ever. And they run around and squeal in delight and fall into some wonderfully imaginative game instantly. They both just love bubbles and Talin is amazing at blowing his own bubbles! Or, they'll play outside randomly each running inside to bring me a leaf that they picked from a bush. Or, Holland will pretend to be a teacher and "teach" Talin how to "read" and all sorts of other things. While, he attentively is the eager student. It's moments like these that make my heart swell.

But, of course, then out of the blue, Talin will try to grab something that Holland has. And Holland over reacts knocking Talin on the floor. And he starts crying because his feelings and body are hurt. And Holland is crying and yelling because Talin has crumpled up the paper that was in her hands. And she wants me to find some tape right now to fix it. But, Talin refuses to let me put him down. And I have food in the oven that I need to take out and the buzzer is beeping. But both kids are screaming and crying. And my phone is ringing. And all of a sudden, I am aware that I haven't peed in God knows how long and I need to go. Ah, it's moments like these that make me wonder how I will get through the day!

But, somehow we do get through the day. And, hopefully before long, something wonderful will happen. Or at least at some point, most likely not when I would choose, they will both be peacefully asleep and I think to myself what a lucky mama I really am.

And, oh how they are growing so fast! I can't even begin to mention all of the new things that Talin has learned in a seemingly crazy short time. His comprehension is just crazy impressive. You can ask him to do just about anything and he either runs and gets what you tell him to, or brings a cup to Holland, etc or he just looks at me, shakes his head and says, Noooo!" with such attitude! He still will not say "dad" even though he totally can. He prefers to call dad, "mom" and it cracks me up. I did think that the week where instead of calling him a name and just making his piggie sound if you asked him to say "dad" was even funnier though!

He loves to wear hats, except his sun hat. He really loves a white "Easter" hat with flowers all over it. And I have to admit, he looks adorable in it! He loves to "count" before he does anything, by saying, "duh, duh, duh, GO!" And then he will run or do whatever he going to do, and then yell, "YEAHHHH!" And he has a way of saying "bye-byyyyyaaah" with a crazy cute high pitch second syllable that melts my heart.

And now it's much to late for my brain to think of anything else! Hopefully it won't be Fall before I have time to share more!

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