Wednesday, October 20, 2010

love and changes

As I type, this is how my babe is sleeping so sweetly in my lap. In another home, I'm sure he would be happily sleeping in his own crib, in his room. And honestly, I kind of wish we had that option for him. But, we just quite honestly do not have anywhere to put him! It wasn't even an issue when we first moved here- he was just a wee one at 4 months old. But now, only weeks from turning a year!, it is different. Luckily, most nights he still is happy to just nurse to sleep and sleep on my nap until I can get him into his bed in our room. (Holland goes to sleep in our room prior to being transferred to her own room. And, then slips back into our bed again much later.) Ah, but it won't be like this forever- right?! And, I should stop making it sound like I am complaining because then I will just be asking for advice. We are quite aware we made this bed we are lying in, and it works. Most of the time... :)(but it would be nice to have another bedroom!)

And with my random thoughts bouncing all over my head, I am having a hard time choosing which ones to put down... We had a good trip. A really good trip. The kids did fantastic on the drive even though they barely slept. (so out of character for both of them) We stayed crazy busy and I realized how many great friends we have in Boise. I just felt so much love from such amazing people.

And Talin is still not walking yet, but continuing to get closer everyday. I think he took 3 steps today! And he now pulls himself to stand even more than before. And he has started to crawl with his bum in the air and practically running on his arms and legs. Pretty cute! He mostly jabbers, but his favorite word is definitely "bubba". Bubba is Sue's cat, but, he uses that for any cat. Often any animal really. It is about as easy word to say as you can find, so it works. I do get called "mama" fairly regulary as does Joe get "dada". No word for Holland yet though I do look forward to see what that will be.

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